15 products
In Australia... first you get the boxers... then you get the power... then you get the women. Ditch your towel and listen up good! Get your steamed hams into a pair of these boxers, you’ll look so good it will be as if aurora borealis is situated right in your kitchen.
Everything’s coming up Milhouse when you slide into these like a greased up Scotsman through a ventilation shaft. Roads are just a suggestion Marge, just like pants! Get yourself a pair of boxers that will keep you looking good even when pants are optional!
All three eyes will be trained directly onto your inanimate carbon rod with these d’oh-lightful boxers.
Thinking unsexy thoughts will never be an option again and she’ll be excited to take a daily field trip to this box(er) factory. So celebrate like everyday is Whacking Day!
Put on some Larry White and hide your snake where it’ll be safe and snug. It’ll be so comfy it’ll feel like you’re wearing nothing at all, nothing at all, nothing at all. Stupid Flanders.